Nabokov’s Infernos
Synoptic Atlas
Boyd, Brian
(1990). Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian years. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
(1996). Chronology. Note on the texts. Notes. In Nabokov 1996a.
(2000). William Caines [sic] The Author of Trixie. Post to NABOKV-L, May 30, 2000. [https://thenabokovian.org/node/29176]. | 5
Braffort, Paul
(2002). Les quatre petites filles. [https://www.paulbraffort.net/litterature/critique/queneau_4petites_filles.html]. | 2
Burnand, Francis Cowley
(1868). Happy Thoughts. London: Bradbury, Evans, & Co. | 4
Caine, William
(1906). Pilkington. London: Ward, Lock & Co. | 5
(1916). Great-Snakes!. A Variation on a Classical Theme. New York & London: John Lane. | 5
(1920). The Strangeness of Noel Carton. New York & London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. | 5
(1924a). The Author of “Trixie”. London: Herbert Jenkins. — Citations from this novel take the form of chapter, section, page number, e.g., (I, (1), 22). Briefly reviewed in The Times Literary Supplement, Thursday, November 8, 1923, p. 752 (quoted in full in the text). | 5
(1924b). Lady Sheba's Last Stunt. London: Herbert Jenkins. — Briefly reviewed in The Times Literary Supplement, Thursday, December 4, 1924, p. 828; however, in the pdf of this issue available from Gale Primary Sources, page 828 is missing, replaced by a doublet of page 827. | 5
Calvino, Italo
(1988). Six Memos for the Next Millennium. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. | 5
Caradec, François
(1997). Raymond Roussel. Paris: Fayard.
Couturier, Maurice
(2011). Nabokov ou La tentation française. Paris: Gallimard. | 2
Dolinin, Alexander
(2005). What happened to Sally Horner? — A real-life source of Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita. The Times Literary Supplement, September 9, 2005, pp. 11–12. Modified and supplemented version available at: [https://www.libraries.psu.edu/nabokov/dolilol.htm]. | 2
Ducasse, Isidore
(1870). Poésies, II. Paris: Journaux Politiques et Littéraires, Librairie Gabrie. | 2
Gracq, Julien
(1980). En lisant, en écrivant. Paris: José Corti. | 0
Johnson, D. Barton
(2003). Editor’s Notes on Sebastian Knight & William Caine’s “The Author of Trixie.” Post to NABOKV-L, July 29, 2003. [https://thenabokovian.org/node/26331].
de Jonge, Alex
(1975). Figuring out Nabokov. [Review of: Carl R. Proffer (editor), A Book of Things about Vladimir Nabokov; Donald E. Morton, Vladimir Nabokov; Bobbie Ann Mason, Nabokov’s Garden: A Guide to Ada; Douglas Fowler, Reading Nabokov; Alfred Appel, Jr., Nabokov’s Dark Cinema.] The Times Literary Supplement, May 16, 1975, pp. 526–527. | 5
Karlinsky, S. (editor)
(1979). The Nabokov-Wilson Letters 1940–1971. New York: Harper and Row.
Larbaud, Valery
(1958). Œuvres. Préface par Marcel Arland. Édition établie et annotée par G. Jean-Aubry et Robert Mallet. Paris: Gallimard. — “Des prénoms féminins” was first published as “Bouts de Papier — Des Prénoms féminins” in the March-April 1927 issue of a journal entitled Le Manuscrit autographe (no 8, pp. 59–66; see the blog Les Petites Revues for that issue’s table of contents); subsequently in November 1927 as chapter X of Larbaud’s Jaune Bleu Blanc (Paris: Gallimard). | 2
Leiris, Michel
(1935). Documents sur Raymond Roussel. Nouvelle Revue Française, nº 259, avril 1935. In Leiris (1998).
(1939). Autour des Nouvelles Impressions d’Afrique. Cahiers GLM, nº 9, mars 1939. In Leiris (1998).
(1954). Conception et réalité chez Raymond Roussel. Critique, nº 89, octobre 1954. In Leiris (1998).
(1998). Roussel & Co. Édition établie par J. Jamin, présentée et annotée par A. Le Brun. Paris: Fata Morgana/Fayard.
Le Tellier, Hervé
(2006). Esthétique de L’Oulipo. Bordeaux: Le Castor Astral. | 0
Maar, Michael
(2005). The Two Lolitas. London and New York: Verso. | 2
McCarthy, Penny
(2006). Lolita: Wellsprings and Influences. The Nabokovian 56, Spring 2006, pp. 38–48. | 2
Nabokov, Dmitri and Bruccoli, Matthew J. (editors)
(1989). Vladimir Nabokov: Selected Letters 1940–1977. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. | 2
Nabokov, Vladimir
(1941, 1968). The Real Life of Sebastian Knight. New York: New Directions, 1959. Fourth printing. | 5
(1953, 1955, 1957). Pnin. New York: Bard/Avon, May 1969. Ninth printing. | 0
(1955). Lolita. Paris: Olympia Press.
(1958). Lolita. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. — Citations, typically of the form part, chapter, page number, e.g., (I, § 1, 11), usually refer to this edition. | 0, 1, 2
(1966). Speak, Memory: An autobiography revisited. In Nabokov (1996a).
(1991). The Annotated Lolita. Revised and updated. Edited, with preface, introduction, and notes by Alfred Appel, Jr. New York: Vintage.
(1996a). Novels and Memoirs 1941–1951. The Real Life of Sebastian Knight; Bend Sinister; Speak, Memory. New York: Library of America. | 5
(1996b). Novels 1955–1962. New York: Library of America.
(1996c). Novels 1969–1974. New York: Library of America.
Nietzsche, Friedrich
(1889). Twilight of the Idols, or, How One Philosophizes with a Hammer. In Walter Kaufmann, editor and translator, The Portable Nietzsche. New York: Penguin, 1954. | 2
Olcott, Anthony
(1974). The author’s special attention: A study of the real life of Sebastian Knight. In Carl R. Proffer, ed. A book of things about Vladimir Nabokov. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1974, pp. 104–121.
Proffer, Carl R., editor
(1974). A book of things about Vladimir Nabokov. Ann Arbor: Ardis.
Queneau, Raymond
(1939). Un rude hiver. Paris: Gallimard. | 2
Rainwater, Mary Catherine
(1982). Twentieth-Century Writers in the Poe Tradition: Wells, Bowles, and Nabokov. PhD dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin. | 2
Roussel, Raymond
(1932). Nouvelles Impressions d’Afrique. Paris: Lemerre.
(1935). Comment j’ai écrit certains de mes livres. Paris: Librairie Alphonse Lemerre. Paris: Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1963. | 2
Stevenson, Robert Louis
(1885). Prince Otto, a romance. London: Chatto & Windus. | 2
Sweeney, Susan Elizabeth
(1985). Nymphet singing in Singleton. The Nabokovian, vol. XV, pp. 17–18. | 0
Tartakower, Savielly [Tartakover, Savelij G.]
(1922). Antologija sovremennoj nemeckoj poesii. Berlin: Mysl Verlag.
(1932a). Le Mat du Fou et du Cavalier. Formule Raymond-Roussel. L’Échiquier, revue internationale d’échecs, novembre 1932. In Roussel (1935).
(1932b). Le Mat du Fou et du Cavalier. Quelques réflexions en marge de la formule Raymond-Roussel. L’Échiquier, revue internationale d’échecs, décembre 1932. In Roussel (1935).
(1933). Raymond Roussel et les Échecs dans la Littérature. Les Cahiers de l’échiquier français, 33e cahier, janvier-février 1933. In Roussel (1935).
Wells, H. G.
(1909). The History of Mr. Polly. New York: Grosset and Dunlap. | 2
(1938). Apropos of Dolores. London: Jonathan Cape. | 2
Wodehouse, P. G.
(1923). The Inimitable Jeeves. London: Herbert Jenkins. — Briefly reviewed in The Times Literary Supplement, Thursday, May 24, 1923, p. 358 (quoted in full in the text). | 5
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